is stand for test of English as a foreign language which is an English test
that created for measuring the ability of people in English, specially the one
who use English as foreign language. The result of this test is needed for
getting the university in America & Canada, for the programe undergraduate
(S-1), graduate (S-2) and also post graduate (S-3), but no lots of institution
out of America & Canada including Australia and European countries also use
toefl as requairement for recruitment and selection, even in Indonesia to get
study in S-2 and S-3 on some business intitute also require toefl.
Base on the tools that used, toefl has differets
kind :
1. Paper Based Toefl (PBT)
is the oldest and the most used because using paper for the question and
2. Computer Based Toefl (CBT)
is the test using computer that is use since 1998. This test has used computer
technology. On this system the paper is not used any more.
3. Internet Based Toefl (IBT)
is the newest system that is use since 2005. Lots of people use this system because
the internet acces is easy to get.
lots of institutions and schools do the toefl test. Toefl test can be devided
into :
1. International Toefl
is the true toefl test. This test done by educational testing service (ETS) that
based on America. The Information about this test modul can be search on .
Toefl Prediction is the toefl test that
hold by the institutions that prepare
for the toefl test. The modul, the difficulty and the measuring are the same
with the legal toefl institutions. But the result of this toefl is university
in America because they only receive the toefl from ETS.
Subject-Verb Agreement is a
rapprochement between a verb with the subject sentence in terms of number, that
is : singular or plural. Subjects can be either a noun, pronoun, or other
construction acting as a noun, like gerund and infinitive. Basically, the
singular subject use the singuler verb and a plural subject using a plural
1. They
are playing football.
2. My father
enjoy a good car.
3. My sister
cut her hair.
4. I
do submit the task to my lecture.
5. He
was worked at coffee shop.
6. Tonggo
smoked ciggarate with his friend.
Bold : Subject, Italic : Verb, Underline : Object *
Source : Buku Cerdas TOEFL 2012 KARISMA Publishing Group Drs. R.
Suyoto Bakir