Kamis, 16 Juni 2016

Tugas Softskill, puisi


Sampai kini saya tidak tahu
Apakah titel sarjana nan dibangga-banggakan ayahku dulu
Dapat menyambung lambungku, istriku dan anak-anakku

Tujuh Belas tahun sudah segudang uang di lumbung keringat ayah-ibuku
Kuhabiskan di meja pendidikan
Namun saya tetap tidak mampu memberi anak-anakku sesuap makan

Tujuh belas tahun sudah kuhabiskan waktuku di ruang gerah sekolah dan kuliah
Namun tidak memberiku otak brilian dan keterampilan nan sepadan
Aku hanya terampil menyontek garapan temanku
Aku hanya terampil membajak dan menjiplak karya negeri orang
Aku terampil mencuri ide-ide bukannya mencipta

Apa kabar pendidikan negeriku
Adakah kini kau sudah berbenah Sehingga anak cucuku akan bisa merasai sekolah nan indah

Dan masa depan nan cerah?

Puisi Karya Dian Hartati


Seorang anak kecil
Berjalan dengan kaki telanjang
Menapaki jalan berbatu
Terasa sakit menusuk kaki

Aku ini juga manusia
Yang punya nyawa
Sama sepertimu
Yang punya rasa
Sama sepertimu

Tapi kau tak punya hati
Kau punya mata
Tapi tak melihat
Kau punya telinga
Tapi tak mendengar
Kau punya segalanya
Tapi tak merasa

Lihat dirimu
Uang kau hambur-hamburkan Lari dari gudang ilmu
Tak kau ingat begitu banyak tetesan peluh
Dan air mata yang membasahi tubuh itu

Aku beda dengan kau
Aku tak punya sepertimu
Tapi aku tak mau jadi orang bodoh sepertimu
Ku ingin punya banyak ilmu 
Aku adalah aku Bukan kau
Puisi Karya Dian Hartati


Sedih, sunyi, canda, tawa kita lewati bersama 
Kemanapun bagai tali yang telah diikat kuat, yang tak dapat dilepas
Kau hibur aku disaat gundah dan kuhibur kau disaat kau membutuhkan
Kita saling melengkapi satu sama lain

Tapi berbeda
Berbeda pada saat itu
Pada saat waktu tak berpihak kepada kita
Kau dan aku terpisah

Dan akhirnya,
Akhirnya kau meninggalkan aku dengan sosok bayangmu
Bayangmu yang tak tahu dimana tubuhnya
Yang sekarang sudah tak mempunyai hati dan perasaan
Seperti bukan lagi sahabatku
karya :zhulva

Sahabat Sejati

kian lama hidup yang ku jalani
selalu bersama mu sahabat ku
susah sedih senang yang ku rasakan
bersama mu sahabat ku

begitu banyak kenangan yang kita lalui
ke bahagian yang selalu kita rasa bersama
namun musnah dengan sekejap
telah di renggut oleh maut yang tak terduga

kini kau telah pergi meninggalkan ku
meninggalkan semua kenangan kita
menyimpulkan sebuah air mata
yang terjatuh di pipi ku

meski kini kita tak bersama
meski kita telah berbeda kehidupan
namun kita tetap satu dalam hati dan cinta
karena kau sahabat sejati ku

selamat tinggal sahabat ku
selamat jalan sahabat sejati ku
cinta kasih mu kan selalu satu di hati ku
selamanya ………
karya :zhulva


Angin dingin kelam berderik
Kabut putih menghapus mentari
Tegak cahyanya menusuk citra

Pahatan Gunung memecah langit
Berselimut awan beralas zamrud
Tinggi . . . Tajam . . .

Sejak waktu tidak beranjak
Di sanalah sanubari berdetak
Sunyi sepi tak beriak

Cermin ilusi di atas danau
Menikung pohon yang melambai warna
Di celah kaki-kaki menjejak karya-karyaNYA

Di manakah aku berada?
Di mana jiwa tak mengingat rumah
Di saat hidup serasa sempurna

Sungguh jelita permadani ini
Terbarkan pesona di atas cakrawala
Tak berujung di pandang lamanya

Serasa bertualang di negeri tak bertuan
Puisi Ardian.H

Dari kelima puisi diatas, saya memilih satu puisi yang saya sukai yaitu karangan dian hartati yang berjudul 'Tidak Mau Jadi Orang Bodoh' karena disitu ada pesan moral yang mengatakan janganlah kau menghambur-hamburkan uang dan menuntut ilmu dengan benar. hargai pengorbanan orang tua yang bersusah payah untuk mencari nafkah untukmu . masih banyak diluar sana yang menginginkan itu tapi tidak mampu.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2, Tugas Kedua

1.      Place that I’ve been visiting
There was this place that I’ve been visiting recently. It’s a restaurant called Two Stories located in jl. Pajajaran Indah V Bogor, West java. This place is very common and the majority of consumer were mostly teenagers, probably because of the design of the restaurant itself which give a cozy feels. Two stories consists  of 3 floors. The first floor is for non- smoking area full of air conditioner (AC), along with some unique decorations which make the area looks clean and comfortable to hang out with friends and family.

The second floor is consists of two areas, indoor and outdoor. The indoor side, mostly has a same vibe with first floor but with less ornament. The outdoor side is addressed for smoking area, with a nice decoration that give a cozy feels. If you want to just hang out with friends and not having a heavy meal, I recommend to just take place in second floor because it give you a peaceful and comfort atmosphere to talk and chit-chat with friends. The third floor, also known as Level 03, which is a rooftop area that also a part of two stories but it only available in the evening nearly at 4.00 pm – 12.00 am.

For the menu, there are so many appetizing food choice, from pasta, sandwiches, many kind of snacks and also fried rice. The drink is also full of variances, from juice to coffee, non-coffee such as chocolate, macchiato, fruit punch and so on. For pasta, the taste is average, not so great. The food that I really recommend is lamb fried rice, it tastes so good and they give a huge portion with just normal prices. The price range for this restaurant are between Rp 20.000 – Rp. 75.000.

2.      Future plan
After graduating and getting my bachelor degree, I’m going to find a job. I want to be a common office worker in a well-known company  to build up my experience, probably for three years. I want a job that suit with my economic major that I’ve been mastered for four years long in college.

The reason why I need to find a job is because I need to find money to live and for not bothering my parents as an adult. I will live independently without a help of my parents, instead I want to help them as a mutual to show my gratitude. To be able to work with such a  high salary must be hard, that’s why I’m going to work hard to achieve a better future.

Besides being an office worker, I think I also want to be a chef. My father is an executive chef, that’s why I want to follow his path in the same field, although I’m not that good in cooking. If I have a chance, I also want to continue my education and take a master degree majoring in economic management. I wish all my plan in the future will come as what I have expected.

Selasa, 26 April 2016

Toefl, Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Toefl is stand for test of English as a foreign language which is an English test that created for measuring the ability of people in English, specially the one who use English as foreign language. The result of this test is needed for getting the university in America & Canada, for the programe undergraduate (S-1), graduate (S-2) and also post graduate (S-3), but no lots of institution out of America & Canada including Australia and European countries also use toefl as requairement for recruitment and selection, even in Indonesia to get study in S-2 and S-3 on some business intitute also require toefl.

Base on the tools that used, toefl has differets kind :
1.      Paper Based Toefl (PBT) is the oldest and the most used because using paper for the question and answers.
2.      Computer Based Toefl (CBT) is the test using computer that is use since 1998. This test has used computer technology. On this system the paper is not used any more.
3.      Internet Based Toefl (IBT) is the newest system that is use since 2005. Lots of people use this system because the internet acces is easy to get.
Now, lots of institutions and schools do the toefl test. Toefl test can be devided into :
1.      International Toefl is the true toefl test. This test done by educational testing service (ETS) that based on America. The Information about this test modul can be search on www.toefl.org .
2.      Toefl Prediction is the toefl test that hold by the institutions that  prepare for the toefl test. The modul, the difficulty and the measuring are the same with the legal toefl institutions. But the result of this toefl is university in America because they only receive the toefl from ETS.

Subject-Verb Agreement is a rapprochement between a verb with the subject sentence in terms of number, that is : singular or plural. Subjects can be either a noun, pronoun, or other construction acting as a noun, like gerund and infinitive. Basically, the singular subject use the singuler verb and a plural subject using a plural verb.
1.      They are playing football.
2.      My father  enjoy a good car.
3.      My sister cut her hair.
4.      I do submit the task to my lecture.
5.      He was worked at coffee shop.
6.      Tonggo smoked ciggarate with his friend.

* Bold : Subject, Italic : Verb, Underline : Object *

Source :           Buku Cerdas TOEFL 2012 KARISMA Publishing Group Drs. R. Suyoto Bakir

Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Softskill Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Kelompok 3

Nama :    Diva Marsya Rahman (12212232)
                Garda Harianggara (13212097)
                Mawaputri (14212495)
                Rani Eva Dewi (16212024)
                Yulia Citra (17212927)
                Yunita Eriyanti (17212971)

Third is the sale of goods and services. Sale is the exchange of a product or service for money. A car is sold to someone in exchange for money. Goods are products which people  either need or want; for example, cars can be classified as goods. Services, on the other hand, are activities which a person or group performs for another person or organization. For instance, an auto mechanic performs a service when he repairs a car. A doctor also performs a service by taking care of people when they are sick.

Ketiga adalah penjualan barang dan jasa. Penjualan adalah pertukaran produk atau jasa untuk uang. Sebuah mobil dijual kepada seseorang dengan imbalan uang. Barang adalah produk yang orang-orang butuhkan atau inginkan; misalnya, mobil dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai barang. Layanan, di sisi lain, adalah kegiatan yang seseorang atau kelompok lakukan untuk orang lain atau organisasi. Misalnya, seorang montir mobil melakukan layanan ketika ia perbaikan mobil. Seorang dokter juga melakukan layanan dengan merawat orang-orang ketika mereka sakit.

Question :
6. How do goods differ from services?

Answer :
Goods are defined as a physical product (tangible) which can be given to a purchaser and involves the transfer of ownership from the seller to the customer. for example, cars can be classified as goods. Services, on the other hand, are activities which a person or group performs for another person or organization. For instance, an auto mechanic performs a service when he repairs a car.

Question :
7. What is ‘sale’?
Answer :
A sale is the exchange of a commodity or money as the price of a goods or a services. Sales (plural only) is activity related to selling or the amount of sold goods or services in a given time period.

Source : Wikipedia.com