Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Softskill Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Kelompok 3

Nama :    Diva Marsya Rahman (12212232)
                Garda Harianggara (13212097)
                Mawaputri (14212495)
                Rani Eva Dewi (16212024)
                Yulia Citra (17212927)
                Yunita Eriyanti (17212971)

Third is the sale of goods and services. Sale is the exchange of a product or service for money. A car is sold to someone in exchange for money. Goods are products which people  either need or want; for example, cars can be classified as goods. Services, on the other hand, are activities which a person or group performs for another person or organization. For instance, an auto mechanic performs a service when he repairs a car. A doctor also performs a service by taking care of people when they are sick.

Ketiga adalah penjualan barang dan jasa. Penjualan adalah pertukaran produk atau jasa untuk uang. Sebuah mobil dijual kepada seseorang dengan imbalan uang. Barang adalah produk yang orang-orang butuhkan atau inginkan; misalnya, mobil dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai barang. Layanan, di sisi lain, adalah kegiatan yang seseorang atau kelompok lakukan untuk orang lain atau organisasi. Misalnya, seorang montir mobil melakukan layanan ketika ia perbaikan mobil. Seorang dokter juga melakukan layanan dengan merawat orang-orang ketika mereka sakit.

Question :
6. How do goods differ from services?

Answer :
Goods are defined as a physical product (tangible) which can be given to a purchaser and involves the transfer of ownership from the seller to the customer. for example, cars can be classified as goods. Services, on the other hand, are activities which a person or group performs for another person or organization. For instance, an auto mechanic performs a service when he repairs a car.

Question :
7. What is ‘sale’?
Answer :
A sale is the exchange of a commodity or money as the price of a goods or a services. Sales (plural only) is activity related to selling or the amount of sold goods or services in a given time period.

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